Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The #1 Roulette System in the World

If you have not heard about the Andruchi Roulette System, then you have not been winning at Roulette. My System is the #1 Roulette System in the world out of over 700,000 Roulette Systems. That is no coincidence. Throw everything you know about Roulette - and your experience with prior systems - out the window because it won't do you any good here as I am going to show you a completely different way of looking at the game. Unlike other Roulette System sites, I dedicate most of my site to actually showing you exactly how my Roulette System works before you start using it so that you know exactly why you will win with it. I even offer examples of my concepts for you to download and give you all the probabilities my Roulette System is based on. And to prove to you that my Roulette System actually works, I don't even charge you anything to use it and only require that you share your profits with me, which means I only make money after I have made you money first. Welcome to the Andruchi Roulette System.

Before we begin, I'm going to tell you something that defies intuition and that will show you everything is not as simple as it seems with the game of Roulette. A European Roulette Wheel has 37 straight numbers on it (e.g. 0 - 36), each supposedly with the exact same probability of being spun at any given moment. However, even though the odds of an individual straight number coming out in European Roulette is 1 in 37, if you watch 37 consecutive spins of the roulette wheel, several numbers will have repeated themselves and several numbers won't have appeared at all. But that's not even the surprising part. If you continue spinning until all 37 numbers have appeared at least once, at least one of the numbers on the roulette wheel will have repeated 8 times. And it does not matter at what point you start tracking the numbers as long as you are tracking consecutive numbers. If you don't believe me, try it yourself and you will see. The fact that a number will repeat itself 8 times before all other numbers of "equal-probability" appear at least once proves that there is more to the Roulette game than meets the eye. I'll tell you more. You will never in your lifetime see all 37 Roulette Numbers come out in 37 consecutive spins even though they all have the "same" probability of being spun. Try it yourself, but you'll die before you ever see it. The game of Roulette is incredibly interesting and has several peculiarities such as the ones described above, but it must be studied methodically if it is to be beaten. That is where my System comes in.

Forget the probabilities of a single event and start thinking about the probabilities of a sequence of events, which is considerably more revealing, particularly in Roulette. My Advanced Andruchi Roulette System's algorithm is based on the exact calculated probabilities of how many unique numbers appear in 37 consecutive spins, which again happens to be the amount of numbers on a European Roulette Wheel. By focusing on the probabilities of 37 spins rather than just 1, we have a lot more information to work with in order to make much better decisions regarding when and where to bet. However, predicting which numbers to bet on at any moment, based on these probabilities, is a mind-boggling task. With the aid of my Computer Program, however, you can do it in a blink of an eye and focus on execution and money management rather than complicated mathematics and probabilities. My program tells you precisely when to bet, how to bet, where to bet, and why to bet. You just feed it the spins as they are generated, wait until it signals a bet, and then simply bet on the numbers it tells you. Now let me explain to you exactly how it works.

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